(For the most recent data, go here ) This graph shows monthly data for the number and percentage of distressed home sales (comprised of REO’s (bank owned, foreclosures) and Short Sales), compared with total home sales in Kitsap County. The current data is through the end of December 2011 and includes 18 months of prior […]
Archives for January 2012
Distressed home sales (REO, foreclosure, Short Sales), compared with total home sales in Kitsap County
Home Sales & Prices in Kitsap County Through Dec 2011 & including 18 months of prior data
{Note: In the event you got to this article from an older link, here is a link to the newest data for this category of monthly home sales in Kitsap County} December had an almost identical number of single family home sales in Kitsap County compared to the prior month, though prices slipped, with the […]
Home Sales & Prices on Bainbridge Island through Dec. 2011
(For the most recent data, go here ) Compared to the past several months, home sales on Bainbridge Island during December, were at their lowest level in several months in terms of the number of homes sold. There was also a jump in the percentage of sales that were “distressed properties” which includes Short Sales and REO’s (bank owned foreclosures), to about […]